New Classics
This poster was digitally produced and then coated in gloss topcoat to protect the original vibrant colors.
Inspired by Percy Shelley's Ozymandias poem, this poster was displayed in the Nelson Poynter Library and later purchased.
Gossamer Wings Cover
The flagship project for a book publishing company, this cover embodies children's storybooks of the 1900s-1930s.
Gossamer Wings (2)
Book covers are an important piece of printmaking history. How a cover looks and feels in the hand is equally relevant.
Thesis Poster 1
The aim of both posters was to question the role technology plays in the development and marketing process of design.
Thesis Poster 2
Technology can both aid and harm the design process, which is what these digital 24x32in posters aim to discuss.
Exprez Plays
Posters are a wonderful form of advertisement as well as decoration. These posters express the streamer's personality.
Exprez Plays 2
These posters adhere to strict color balances and motifs while also showing variation through text and layout.
Self Promotional Handout
This three dimensional card was created as a brand accurate mailer. Its elements can be seen throughout the site.
Linocut Chapter Illustration
This illustration was done using linoleum hand printing for a book chapter in The Court Guardian.
Senaliesse (Full Poster)
This poster aimed to advertise a dangerous and fantastical environment through the use of 3 color silkscreen printing.
Bards4Bards (2021)
This silkscreen illustration advertised a charity drive I was apart of during Covid-19.
Mozzaroni (Full Brand)
This full brand aimed to create Mac 'n Cheese into a luxury adult experience, while including a smaller serving for kids.
Mozzaroni (Kid's Cup)
This piece applies to both design and printmaking, as both packages were printed and assembled by hand.